Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Week 3 (Jae Jun Yoo)

Week 3: Knowledge- April 18th- 22nd
Teacher Notes
Activities•   I found an article about writing skill.
•   Summary and change into my own words.
•   Approaches to Learning
•   Choose possible AOI and ATL to focus on
Standard and Criterion MetHere I wrote a post about writing skills and I used new Vocabulary like the word whisk and more. This is an example of criterion CI enjoyed reading your post and I added a comment.
Bloom’s TaxonomyHere I wrote a post about Bloom’s Taxonomy and I answered questions, which Ms.Dianne provided me to do about “The Outsider” and we discussed about vocabulary, which is related to Bloom’s Taxonomy.A great post and this really demonstrated your understanding of Blooms.
Approaches to LearningI wrote a summary to show my understanding of the article.Well done!
Areas of Interaction“How can I use my learning style to develop strategies to improve my writing?” is my topic for this assessment task – 1 and it’s related to Health & Social Education.Great
Completed Task·  Find an article
·  Summary
·  Bloom’s Taxonomy questions
·   Post into blog entry
·  Post into Gmail document
Fantastic work!
ResourcesSee links above.
To Do ListWeekly reflection on blog: Write a summary including main idea and conclusions


  1. great Work Jae Jun! Please keep blogging and researching your topic.

  2. Hi Jae Jun,

    I enjoy reading your posts. I would like to mark the oral presentation so if you can post it before Monday this would be great. I know that you put a lot of time and effort into the recording.
